10 suspected cases included 4 cases of spinal nerve-root cyst; 10例可疑患者中发现有4例神经根鞘膜囊肿;
Denomination of sacral nerve root cyst is controversial. It was always been named Tarlov cyst, sacral perineural cyst, sacral extradural cysts, sacral arachnoid cyst, and so on. 其命名较混乱,被称为Tarlov囊肿、神经根囊肿、神经周围囊肿、骶管内硬膜外囊肿、骶管内蛛网膜囊肿等。
The effects of the root diffusate of different crops from different rotation systems on the egg hatch of soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines 不同茬口条件下的作物根渗出物对大豆胞囊线虫(Heteroderaglycines)卵孵化影响
Conclusion CT-guided percutaneous puncture and injecting fibrin glue is a safety and efficient new methods to the Sacral Nerve Root cyst. 结论CT引导下经皮穿刺引流囊肿内注射FG黏合剂治疗骶神经根囊肿是一种安全、可靠、经济、有效的新疗法。
Clinical Evaluation of One-visit Root Canal Therapy and Endodontic Surgery at One Time in Anterior Teeth Apical Cyst 下颌前方牙列缺失修复前后牙根尖应力分布的光弹实验根管治疗一次法同期根尖手术治疗前牙根尖囊肿的疗效观察
The proved by operation and pathology of 69 cases of cysts of jaw were analysed. These included 33 cases of dentigerous cyst; 26 cases of dental root cyst; 本文分析经手术及病理证实的各种颌骨囊肿69例,包括含牙囊肿33例,根尖囊肿26例,残余囊肿6例,角化囊肿3例,面裂囊肿1例。
Methods use root tube drainage or toot tube treating after opening a window in apical labium, conservative treatment on apical cyst, use the root tube filling agent suitable filling. 方法采用根管引流或根尖部唇侧开窗引流后根管充填剂适当超填方法保守治疗根尖囊肿。
Treatment of the Sacral Nerve Root cyst by CT-guided Percutaneous puncture 经皮穿刺治疗骶神经根囊肿16例